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NOMA has inspired Danish restaurants to be among the worlds best
Michelin have again given Denmark’s gourmet restaurants record breaking stars.
NOMA’s head chef Rene Redzepi got a Michelin Chef Mentor Award “in recognition of the huge influence he has had on many chefs who passed through his world-famous kitchen”, and says ““We consider Noma as a service, as a spirit, when we attack our guests”.
Director of VisitDenmark Flemming Bruun “are very proud proud of the new Nordic kitchen now have a wide range of Michelin star restaurants all over Denmark”
Here we ask, what is Nordic Michelin gourmet?

Thanks to:
FoodNation, VisitDenmark Flemming Bruun, Kathrine Lind Gustavsson, NOMA Rene Redzepi, Formel B. Michelin and Henrik Thierlein (expert-fixer).
LONG VNR – video news releases
NOMA has inspired Danish restaurants to be among the worlds best
The Michelin stars have again been given recommendations and Denmark’s NOMA was again in the very top with 3 stars. NOMA was 4 times awarded as the worlds best restaurant between 2011 and 2019.
NOMA has inspired the Copenhagen and Denmark restaurant stage and the result came this year with a new record-breaking 27 restaurants getting Michelin stars.
The Director of the national tourist organisation VisitDenmark Flemming Bruun are “very proud proud of the new Nordic kitchen now have a wide range of Michelin star restaurants all over Denmark”.
What is a Nordic Michelin kitchen?
The Nordic kitchen is define by using plants, vegetables and animals from the Nordic countries, that were either not used for cooking before – or not prepared like this before.
When you have lunch or dinner at NOMA or the other restaurants, are you often served 6, 12 or even more plates.
NOMA head chef Rene Redzepi explains at the award ceremony: “We consider Noma as a service, as a spirit, when we attack our guests – which we are so proud of”.
Noma moved in 2018 from the city to the port of Copenhagen. Here are they growing there own special vegetables, inorder to be able to serve new dishes never seen before, all year round.
Michelin gave 27 stars of which 2 got 3 stars, 7 got 2 stars, 18 got 1 star, and many restaurants got various fine recommendations.
Formel B got 1 star and is located in the inner city. Head Chef Asger Majgaard Klausen, explains: “I would say that food in this restaurant is like anchored in French cuisine, but with Nordic ingredients. We have also taken the Nordic way of making food into us, but we get inspired from all over the world, from Asia to Mexico.”
Michelin also awarded NOMA’s head chef Rene Redzepi the Michelin Chef Mentor Award “in recognition of the huge influence he has had on many chefs who passed through his world-famous kitchen”, as Michelin writes in there pressrelease.
Michelin Headoffice is located in Paris and visits restaurants all over the world anonymously.
- Michelin ceremony.
- Sign: 3 Michelin stars given to NOMA and chief “Rene Redzepi”
- Rene Redzepi and NOMA team cheering
- Total Michelin stage
- Drone Copenhagen “Islands Brygge”
- VisitDenmark Flemming Bruun, Director standing af Islands Brygge
- SOUNDBITE VisitDenmark Flemming Bruun, Director:
“We are all very proud in Denmark for this recommendation by the Michelin guide, because it means that we have done something very special in Denmark for many years. We started with the new Nordic kitchen with Noma and now we have a wide range of a Michelin star restaurants all over Denmark”
- Zoom montage with many restaurant owners and chefs cheering for getting Michelin stars
- Chef preparing food with fire in a Michelin star recommended kitchen in Denmark
- A kitchen pan with a half duck and timian/rosmarin being prepared
- Chief with tattoos on arms pour delicate sauce over plate
- Plate with Nordic vegetables and fruit, NOMA 2020/2021
- Plate with peas, NOMA 2020/2021
- Dessert, NOMA 2020/2021
- Ext “NOMA” restaurant on Refshaleøen, Copenhagen
- Ext. Danish flower vegetables hanging to dry. NOMA restaurant seen behind
- NOMA restaurant with big windows and hay in the foreground
- Stage Michelin award ceremony Rene Redzepi speaks in mic.
SOUNDBITE Rene Redzepi, Head chief and co-founder NOMA:
“What we consider NOMA is as a service, as a spirit, when we attack our guests, which we are so proud of.
But before that, there were all the other ones, who were equally important.
But you know, I feel almost ashamed to not have them here.
And I just want to say thank you to all of them. Who really, really … from the bottom of my heart.
I mean. It’s unreal, I can’t. I am staring at these three stars, I can’t stop staring at this thing. I can’t believe we’re going to have, to like draw up another star now or oh, you send a new plate of course” - Plate with stone, potatoes, vegetables. NOMA 2020/2021
- Plate with vegetable and sauce. NOMA 2020/2021
- NOMA restaurant with plants outside
- EXT Restaurant “FORMEL B” (Michelin 2 stars)
- Kitchen chef preparing a plate
- Plate with chicken and various prepared fruits. Formel B
- SOUNDBITE Asger Majgaard Klausen, Head of Kitchen
“I would say that food in this restaurant is like anchored in French cuisine, but with Nordic ingredients. Like, we have also taken the Nordic way of making food, into us, but we get inspired from all over the world from Asia to Mexico.” - Chief making a dish in the kitchen, Pouring sauce on a plate
- Formel B chief preparing plate with sauce.
- Pan nordic vegetables.
Michelin Guide:
If any questions, please do not hesitate to contact.
Yours Sincerely
Anders Kongshaug
Head producer
+45 23103058