International Museum Day – The Workers’ museum in Denmark

International Museum Day – The Workers’ museum in Denmark

VNR Short – SoMe  (1:35 min) 

Link to download

Copenhagen, Denmark
18, May 2022
Producer: Anders

LONG VNR – video news releases

VNR  (2:56 min) 

Link to download

Copenhagen, Denmark
18, May 2022
Producer: Anders



In Europe did working people go through the same development in 1920-1940 as in China in app. 1990 until today. More people moved to the bigger cities and more people earned more money.


The working museum in Denmark shows how people did the same in that period.


Traditional living was for many a life in poverty, but producing industrial goods, changed the standards of living in Denmark and Europe, as experienced in China and the modern society.


Industrialisation in the world started in Europe in the late 1900, moved to the US and parts of Asia, before China became the leading industrial producer in the world.


“It is very important that people today, especially the young people to understand, that  all the benefits we have didn’t just come out of nothing. They came because somebody fought for them, and therefore it is very important “, says Søren Bak-Jensen, Director of the Workers Museum.


Rooms are decorated, so you see the changes in each room over the years. Streets with shops selling items that you started to be able to buy. Changes going from poverty to wellness, that can be compared with China.


“I think there is still a sense of international solidarity among workers and labor movements across the globe”, continues Søren Bak-Jensen, Director of the Workers Museum, “and in that respect China ofcourse is a very important and significant part of that story”.


Items from the red party’s history from the very beginning have been collected and copies canbought.


Today Denmark’s government comes from the red traditions and the red flag is their symbol. Denmark is based on the wish for better living conditions for everybody. The workers Museum reminds you about the work done and reminds you to appreciate life today.




  • Entrance “The Workers Museum in Denmark”
  • Guest looking at street with shops in museum
  • Old shipyard in with mannequin of old men harbor workers from 1900
  • Two men (mannequins) at old cafe
  • Lady making a radio 
  • Workers making a ship
  • Industrial factory with more electronics
  • Pan down in main hall with red flags
  • SOUNDBITE Søren Bak-Jensen, Director of the Workers Museum.
    “The Workers Museum tells the story of the development of the Danish labor movement over the past hundred and fifty years. And it also gives an insight into the changes in working conditions and living conditions of Danish wage workers during the period from the industrialization in the late 19th century and until today with the welfare state.”
  • Guest looking at shops in museum
  • Old living room form 1930
  • Old room children playing with old typewriter, stabler and phone
  • Children trying out old shop
  • Guest getting coffee served
  • Old cafe with tables. People sitting in it today.
  • SOUNDBITE Søren Bak-Jensen, Director of the Workers Museum.
    “It is very important that people today, especially the young people understand, that  all the benefits we have didn’t just come out of nothing. They came because somebody fought for theme, and therefore it is very important to talk about the organization in Denmark”
  • Children playing at “conveyer belt”
  • Children playing in different old rooms
  • SOUNDBITE Søren Bak-Jensen, Director of the Workers Museum.
    “I think there is a still as sense of international solidarity among workers and labor movements across the globe and in that respect China ofcourse is a very important and significant part of that story”.
  • Red flags and poster from the history
  • Moderne pictures with the red flag
  • Bookshop in museum
  • Main hall with red flags from history.
