New government in Denmark
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New government in Denmark.
Dec. 14. 2022.
Mette Frederiksen succeeded in creating a government across the middle in the danish parliament.
Former prime-minister Mette Frederiksen invited the press to Marienborg that is the representative home of the Danish prime-minister, located 20 min. North of Copenhagen.
Mette Frederiksen is so called Royal negotiator and also head of the biggest party in Denmark, Social-democrats (Socialdemokratiet) (S). She now creates a government of Denmark with the second and third largest parties, that represents a blue politic, where she is more red.
Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, Head of the second largest Venstre (The Left) and Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Head of Moderaterna (The Moderates) presented their main ideas with Mette Frederiksen.
Lars Løkke Rasmussen was previously Prime-Minister and chairman of Venstre, but has now successfully formed a new party and joined the government again.
The main topics, that was presented and will face an improvement was social, education, health, military, climate and green energy.
“Vi er, som i ved, som vi er vant til, 3 meget forskellige politiske partier som nu indgår i et “dagsfælleskab” med det klare mål at tage ansvar for regeringsledelsen i det her land. Det er selvfølgelig mindst lige så vigtigt med det meget, meget klare mål at træffe de beslutninger der skal fremtidssikre vores fantastiske Danmark.”
“We are, as you know, as we are used to, 3 very different political parties which are now part of a “community” with the clear goal of taking responsibility for the government leadership in this country. It is of course at least as important with the very, very clear goal of making the decisions that will future-proof our fantastic Denmark. - SOUNDBITE Lars Løkke Rasmussen. PARTYLEADER OF MODERATERNE, (THE MODERATE):
“Eller klima, hvor vi på den ene side sætter de mest ambitiøse klima mål nogensinde i Danmarkshistorien. Altså blandt andet med målsætningen om at vi når derhen hvor vi har et negativt udslip. Og så samtidigt styrker fokus på det der ligger umiddelbart foran os. Altså implementering fordi en er at sætte mål, noget andet er jo at nå dem. Og her er der fokus på målopfyldelse. Fart og tempo på den grønne omstilling, så vi kan komme fri at Putins gas og svingende praksis.”
“Or climate, where on the one hand we set the most ambitious climate targets ever in Danish history. So, among other things, with the objective that we reach the point where we have a negative out-let. And at the same time, it strengthens the focus on what lies immediately in front of us.
In other words implementation. Because setting goals is one thing, achieving them is another. And here there is a focus on goal achievement. Speed and tempo on the green transition, so that we can get free from Putin’s gas and fluctuating practices”). - SOUNDBITE: Mette Frederiksen ROYAL NEGOTIATOR AND FORMER PRIME-MINISTER:
“Danmark skal være klimaneutral i 2045. Vi skal levere en ireduktion på 110% i forhold til 90% i 2050 Det vil sige, at vi nu er mere ambitiøse end vi har været tidligere. Vi indfører CO2 afgift i dansk landbrug, og vi indføre en flyafgift”.
“Denmark must be climate neutral in 2045. We must deliver a reduction of 110% compared to 90% in 2050. This means that we are now more ambitious than we have been previously. We are introducing a CO2 tax in Danish agriculture, and we are introducing an aircraft tax”.) - SOUNDBITE Jakob Ellemann-Jensen. PARTYLEADER OF VENSTRE, (THE LEFT):
“Og så har Danmark brug for reform, hvis vi skal kunne betale for meget markante og helt nødvendige oprustning af vores forsvar som vi står overfor. En oprustning der er afgørende i en tid hvor friheden er truet udefra. Hvor vi igen sergrusomhed i Europa. Såvel vores allierede som dem, der vil os ondt, skal vide at Danmark er klar til at tage et medansvar for sikkerheden i Europa og at vi står sammen med resten af den frie verden”.
“And then Denmark needs reform if we are to be able to pay for the very significant and absolutely necessary upgrading of our defense that we are facing. A re-armament that is crucial in a time when freedom is threatened from the outside. Where, we again see cruelty in Europe. Both our allies and those who wish us harm, must know that Denmark is ready to take a shared responsibility for security in Europe and that we stand together with the rest of the free world”.) - PRESS CONFERENCE. PEOPLE LEAVING.