Worlds Largest Troll Festival

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DATE 20.10.2016
LENGTH: 04:04


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Trolls from all over are gathered in Naestved, an old historic town 1 hour south of Copenhagen, Denmark. The town originates from the Viking times and became a major city hosts the biggest troll festival in the world.

In Naestved is, that there is over 30 living trolls in the forest and streams in the area.

The legend says, that the city have to keep the trolls happy, inorder not to get into trouble, so the mayor has found the budget for the big festival and are participating in the parade, in order to keep the trolls happy


The Devils Godmother or Slattenplatten is one of the most famous. Slattenplatten provides super muscles to those who drink of her attributes and her partner Fladså would to tear down all the churches down in the 1500s because they were noisy.

Ironically, Devils Grandmother or Slattenplatten has since 1668 been holding the pulpit in Vejlø Church. The minister of the church Helle Poulsen believes, that the big local troll family takes care of the church!

Slattenplatten belong to the Elle people, that lives in the forest, where there are elle trees.

You are warned as a young man to walk in the forest, because if you meet a female in the dark night-times, she will trick you with her beauty and lure you into the swamp, where they drown or lure you into the village, where you have to dance all night and could go crazy in your head.

Troll The festival presents a gigantic fire show and 3D projection show, telling local stories about the trolls. The organisor believes, that the city needs to continue to make the trolls happy, inorder to avoid problems.

It is the third time that Troll festival is held and the city is doing better and better again.

A giant 3D show gathered thousands of people showing the story of Slattenplaten and Fladså and the organisors made sure, that is had a happy ending.



  1. Total parade
  2. Woman and crowd looking
  3. Troll making faces to the camera
  4. Troll parade passing camera
  5. Interview a troll, Slattenplatten / Anne Steen, organisor troll festival:
  6. “It is the biggest troll festival in the world, because there comes a lot of trolls here to Naestved. They have seen us on the television and therefor you can find a lot of trolls everywhere – also new generation’s of SlattenPlatten”.
  7. Slattenplaten (Devils Godmother / Flabby teast.
  8. Mayor of Naestved Carsten Rasmussen walking in parade.
  9. “It is a wonderful thing, because it is the 3. time we have TrollFestival in Naestved, so there is a lot of people and “happy troll” – and that we like here in Naestved”.
  10. Statue of Slattenpatten holding the pulpit in Vejlø Church
  11. Minister Helle Poulsen:
  12. “This church is kind of famous, because of a very interesting figur very ineresing piece of art, that we have in this church”.
  13. Total inside Vejlø Church. The pulpit with statue of Slattenpatten holding the pulpit.
  14. Minister Helle Poulsen cont.:
  15. “This troll from the shield of the noble man Niels Trolle is a mail troll. And the sentence in latin says, this is the mail troll from this of the noble mans shield. But there is this interesting thing about this figure is, that it has female hanging breasts”.
  16. Pan down statue of Slattenpatten holding the pulpit in Vejlø Church.
  17. Minister Helle Poulsen cont::
  18. “The original thought is, that the troll family – the trolle family – will take care of the church, the buildings and everything, but then, there is this details with the breast and I cant explain it to you. Why the artist gave this figure female attributes, but he did”.
  19. Slattenpatten in the troll parade hitting another troll with her breats.
  20. Many trolls passing camera in parade
  21. Minister Helle Poulsen cont::
  22. “And this kind of creatros, that you could meet in the evening, when at tusk or when the darkness came in the evening came, you could meet theme in the nature, when you came walking or riding along ”.
  23. 3D projection show on city square.
  24. Interview Anja Steen:
  25. “Because we this trolls, we got a lot of other trolls to our town – a guard of 30 or 50 trolls, that lives here in this town too and the think it is because we are so nice to theme. We celebrate theme. We build scultpture of theme”.
  26. Total fie show with dancers.
  27. Interview Lars Boesting:

“It is a small city with a history about the trolls. And it it nice, that we can make the history in the middle of the town, where everybody can see the story”.

  1. 3D show – end of 3D show.

For any questions, please call me on +45 23103058.
Yours Sincerely



Worlds largest troll festival

Nothing here yet

If you have ANY questions, please do not hesitate to call og text om +45 23103058.

Yours Sincerely





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anders garde kongshaug

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